Carlos Slim

Mexican business magnate, owner of Grupo Carso conglomerate.

$4.2 billionTotal Donated
$639 millionTotal Invested
$64 billionNet Worth
Last donated 9 months ago!

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Medical Resources for Covid-19

The foundation run by renowned businessman Carlos Slim has announced that it will donate 1 billion pesos (US $41 million) for medical resources and public health education to help mitigate the spre... read more

$41 milliondonated 9 months ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation
Higher Impact

Mexico's Reconstruction After Earthquake

The Carlos Slim Foundation donated more than 1,978 million pesosm, aproximately 81m USD for reconstruction after the earthquakes that hit Mexico September 2017, which added to the 395 million pesos... read more

~$81.5 milliondonated 3 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation

Slim Initiative for Genomic Medicine for the Americas - SIGMA

Building on the enormous success of the first phase of SIGMA launched in 2010 with the support of the Carlos Slim Foundation to find disease-causing genes through genomic research, the Broad Instit... read more

$74 millioninvested 7 years ago

Global Polio Eradication Initiative´s (GPEI)

Carlos Slim donated through his foundation $100 million to help end polio. His contribution went towards funding the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s (GPEI) new Polio Eradication and Endgame... read more

100 million USDdonated 8 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation


The Carlos Slim Foundation donated $3 million to a private-public partnership called Connect2Compete, which offers discounted high-speed Internet access to Latino families in the U.S.

~$3 milliondonated 8 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation

Small and Medium-Size Firms (SMFs) Fund in Haiti

President Bill Clinton and philanthropists Frank Giustra and Carlos Slim, established an innovative $20 million dollar fund for financing both small and medium size firms (SMFs) in Haiti through bo... read more

~10 million USDinvested 11 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation
Jobs & training

The Carlos Slim Foundation

Slim donated $2 billion to his Carlos Slim Foundation in 2010. Most of the money came from dividends Slim has collected from shares he owns in some of Mexico’s largest companies.

2 billion USDdonated 11 years ago

Biodiversity and sustainable development in Mexico

The initiative aims to support the conservation of biodiversity of 17 areas of exceptional natural richness, grouped in six priority regions in Mexico

~50 million USDinvested 12 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation

Grameen Trust

Grameen Trust, international affiliation of Grameen Bank and Fundación Carlos Slim AC, announced the new alliance Grameen-Carso which will donate micro credits to the neediest people in Mexico. Gr... read more

5 million USDinvested 12 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation

Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI)

Established in June 2007, CGSGI is an innovative partnership between the William J. Clinton Foundation, the private sector, governments, local communities, and other NGOs to increase the scope, sca... read more

~20 million USDdonated 12 years ago via The Carlos Slim Foundation
EducationHealthJobs & training

The Carso Health Institute

The Carso Health Institute is geared toward researching priority health issues in Latin America, with a focus on maternal and child health and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as on... read more

500 million USDinvested 13 years ago

The Carlos Slim Foundation

Slim donated $2 billion to his Carlos Slim Foundation in 2006. Most of the money came from dividends Slim has collected from shares he owns in some of Mexico’s largest companies.

$2 billiondonated 15 years ago

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