Charles Koch

Owner and former CEO of Koch Industries, a conglomerate covering oil, chemicals, tech & materials.

$248 millionTotal Donated
$10 millionTotal Invested
$50.5 billionNet Worth
Last donated 10 months ago!

Charles has donated $0 in the last month.

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Koch Industry's Molex is transforming its production line to help produce Sense's Biodetection new COVID-19 test that produces result in less than 10 minutes.

~$10 millioninvested 10 months ago via Koch Industries
Higher Impact

COVID-19 Supply Chain

Koch Industries's Georgia-Pacific is working hard to keep supply chain in place to provide paper products during the crisis. It also recently donated thousands of masks to hospitals in Georgia, Ala... read more

~$10 milliondonated 10 months ago via Koch Industries
Higher Impact

Criminal Justice Reform

The Charles Koch Institute provides grant and research to further criminal justice reform and lower mass incarceration rate in the U.S.

~$1 milliondonated 2 years ago via Charles Koch Institute
Public policy

United Negro College Fund

In 2014, the Charles Koch Foundation and Koch Industry granted $25 million to the United Negro College Fund, which aim to increase equality in education.

$25 milliondonated 7 years ago via Charles Koch Foundation

Charles Koch Foundation

The Charles Koch Foundation provides grants to support research and entrepreneurship-based programs at universities. By September 2013, more than 200 universities have programs supported by the foundation.

~$5 milliondonated 7 years ago

American Museum of Natural History

David Koch donated $25 million to the American Museum of Natural History, as well as $15 million to the National Museum of Natural History, and $7 million to the PBS show Nova.

$47 milliondonated 9 years ago

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Charles Koch is a survivor of prostate cancer. He had donated $25 million to the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and $30 million to the Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

$55 milliondonated 11 years ago

The Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT

In 2007, Charles Koch donated $100 million to MIT to create a new center for cancer research, which was subsequently named in his honor.

$100 milliondonated 14 years ago
Higher Impact

Youth Entrepreneurs

Liz and Charles Koch founded Youth Entrepreneurs in 1991 with the goal to provide high school students with business and entrepreneurial education and experience. It had presence in 126 schools by 2019.

~$5 milliondonated 30 years ago
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